Lone Star Bridge Club meets in the Fellowship Hall at St. Paul United Methodist Church 1100 Semands Dr. in Conroe, Texas.
Lone Star Bridge Club uses a dealing machine for game hands, provides hand records at end of game, posts scores to Unit web site, and provides Bridgemate score pads for players' convenience. Our games begin every Monday at 11:45 a. m., and every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Additional weekly games are added as approved and scheduled by The Board of Directors. All games are sanctioned and stratified. Game fee: $5.00
Jeff Kroll's Improving Your Bridge Bidding and Play
Jeff's classes are every first Monday of each month, starting at 11:00, and are concluded in time to make the 11:45 a.m. game. Videos of his classes are posted below. Please scroll down.
Diamond Life Master Jeff Kroll welcomes questions about bridge hands. You may send them to him at texas.blue.hen@gmail.com or place them in a box at the games. After receiving several questions, Jeff will schedule a free lesson to cover the topics requested. Variations to the schedule will be announced in the Club's weekly newsletter.
Previous ACBL Bridge Bulletin Notes
<i>ACBL Bridge Bulletin</i> Review by Jeff Kroll and Sam Khayatt (acblunit174.org)
All recorded videos of Jeff's previous lessons can be viewed on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@LoneStarBridgeClub-Conroe/videos
Good News for Online Players!
Our Club Manager Linda Sutton has successfully joined the SE Carolina Online Bridge Consortium. They have over 180 member clubs across the United States and are totally on line, so no overhead! They have three bridge games per day on BBO every day Monday through Sunday. Game times are listed at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm and 7:05 pm Eastern Standard Time – so for us that means 8:30 am, 12 noon and 6:05 pm. All times have an open game, a 2500 game and a 750 game. Tables are combined to determine master points. Entry fee is $5.00 for 18 boards. Our club will get a monthly stipend for each of our players who play in their games. To find their games – Log onto BBO – Go to Virtual Clubs – Choose ACBL North America – Scroll through games and find SECarolina.
The Future Life Master Program of Unit 174 has been growing and growing. If you are in the 0-100 masterpoint category, there are special on-line bridge games and lessons just for you! Flyers with all the information for the Apollo (0-20) , Gemini (21-50) , and Discovery (51-100) Playing Groups are available at the club where you purchase your entries. It is easy to sign up on BBO, but you do need to have an ACBL number. (Applications are available at LSBC) **************************************************
Don’t forget to sign up for our NEW MENTEE/MENTOR game. Partnerships are now being arranged and anyone with less than 300 masterpoints is eligible to be a mentee, AND play bridge with a Life Master! The mentee will be paying the regular $5 entry fee, and the Mentors will be playing for free. The main idea is for this to be an opportunity to play in a shortened bridge game, and allow time afterwards to discuss the bidding, play of the hand, and best defenses. We will be sponsoring this game once a month on the third Tuesday, and masterpoints will be awarded to all ACBL members. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Please contact Anita Rothfuss at 936-537-5039, or larryandanita@gmail.com, for more information.
For information about beginning bridge lessons, please contact Linda Sutton, llindasutton212@gmail.com, or by telephone at 936-443-3600.
CLUB MEMBERSHIP – Membership is $5.00 for one year. You can pay your dues at the club or send a check made out to the Lone Star Bridge Club to Sandra Maalouf at 220 W. Shore Lane, Montgomery, Texas 77356. By joining, you not only become a member of a very happy bridge family, you also have the right to vote on important issues for the club. Money collected for the membership is designated for the members, for such items as special cakes, parties, cards, etc.
Monday, February 3 February Birthdays will be celebrated
11:00 am Jeff Kroll’s Free Lesson
11:45 am Education Fund Game
Jeff’s Lesson will cover:
1. Methods of interfering with the opponents’ 1NT opening (considerations are: strong, weak, direct, balancing, shape of our hand, vulnerability)
2. Methods of interfering with the opponents’ strong 2C or 1C (Precision in this area)
3. IMPS vs Matchpoints considerations when interfering and competing.
4. Equal Level Conversion (ELC). When you can enter the auction after doubling when you don’t have a 17+ point hand. This is considered standard at high levels.
5. Garbage and Crawling Stayman (recommended by Larry Cohen). When you can use Stayman with less than invitational value.
Tuesday, February 4 No Game
Thursday, February 6 10:30 am Education Fund Game
Good luck to all attending the Houston Regional. We hope you “Bring home the GOLD!”
The Unit 174 Max Levit Lone Star Regional is being held at the Houston Marriott Westchase Convention Center February 3 -9.
Lone Star will have their regularly scheduled games during the week of the Regional – Monday, February 3 and Thursday, February 6.
Monday, February 10 11:45 am Education Fund Game
Tuesday, February 11 No Game
Thursday, February 13 – 10:30 am Education Fund Game Free Pizza Lunch
For Partnership, please contact Sandra Maalouf (832-283-1674) or smaalouf@icloud.com. Should she be unable to find a partner for you, she will notify you in due time. Also, if you prefer playing a particular bidding system (2/1 or S.A.), let her know and she will try and find a partner for you.
LSBC has an Ambassador Program! This will make sure you get to play in case your partner cancels at the last minute, or accidentally schedules two bridge dates. The goal is to prevent anyone from having to go home. Ambassadors will play for free and earn one or two additional free plays. Sandra Maalouf (832-283-1674) smaalouf@icloud.com coordinates this program and has a list of volunteers. The complete guidelines are available at the club.
2019 - Jeane Crumpler, Board Member 2018-2019 Liaison to St. Paul United Methodist Church 2018-2019
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Check out this great video
Linda Sutton, Club Manager, lindasutton212@gmail.com
For Partnership assistance contact:
Sandra Maalouf at smaalouf@icloud.com
St. Paul UMC 1100 W Semands Conroe, Texas 77301
2024-2025 Lone Star Bridge Club Board of Directors
Members at large:
Lone Star Bridge Club Policies
LONE STAR BRIDGE CLUB has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. The Lone Star Bridge Club endorses and enforces the ACBL Zero Tolerance Policy. The full Zero Tolerance Policy is available on the ACBL website.
The following behaviors are not allowed at our player-friendly club:
· Rudeness, intimidation, badgering, gloating
· Profanity, abusive language
· Violence
· Negative comments regarding opponent’s bidding or play
· Negative comments regarding partner’s bidding or play
· Aggressive or confrontational behavior with any director, opponent or partner.
Violations of Lone Star Bridge Club’s Zero Tolerance Policy are:
1. Upon the first violation the Director has the right and discretion to do any of the below in the following sequence:
· Issue a warning
· Access a ¼ board or 3 IMP penalty to the offender’s pair.
· Take the issue to the Conduct and Ethics Committee for review and further action
· Ask the offender and his/her partner to leave the game
2. Violations will be documented in the Club Manager’s Notebook with accompanying date and description of the nature of the violation. Further violations or patterns of infractions by the same offender will be referred to the Conduct and Ethics Committee for further review and action.
We want to develop an atmosphere of camaraderie and healthy competition at our Club.
Thank you for your compliance with this Zero Tolerance Policy.
Any member who legitimately believes that a Director has made an incorrect call of an ACBL Rule shall have the right to request an appeal of such a call. The great majority of Director’s Call shall stand.
· An appeal request must be made at the table at the time of the Director Call in question.
· Both the player and his/her partner must agree that an appeal should be made.
· No other Director shall be called to the table to discuss at the time of the Call. The Director making the call may walk away to confer with another Director if he/she requires confirmation of a Rule.
· During the Director Call Process, the players at the table may always ask to see the ACBL Laws of Duplicate Bridge Book to reference the rule in question.
· Immediately after the game, as many of the Board of Directors as are available, shall meet to review the Director’s Call in question.
· The Board may request other Certified Directors, or if unavailable, advanced knowledgeable players to participate in the review.
· A total of at least three or five BOD/Directors/knowledgeable players shall be required so that a majority vote may occur.
· Once the Appeal Committee has reached a decision, no further appeal is available.
· Both the Director that made the call and the offending pair must be present to give the facts of the call.
If the offending pair is not satisfied, they will be advised that they can always send an email with the facts and final ruling to the ACBL for confirmation of accuracy.
The Club Manager will maintain a Notebook which contains Appeal Committee decisions with dates and notations regarding the facts of the appeal and decision, as well as previous examples from ACBL to LSBC, its members and sister clubs giving guidance on specific calls and results.
Any club member who requests appeals on a repeated basis, in such a manner to be deemed frivolous, shall be referred to the Conduct and Ethics Committee.
*Appeals relating to issues other than Director Calls shall be referred to the Conduct and Ethics Committee.
· Directors shall make all efforts to encourage players to play within the time limits of each round.
· All four players at the table are responsible for eliminating slow play when it occurs.
· If a table has not picked up its last board before the end of the round has been announced, the Director, at his/her discretion, may give the two pairs at that table the option to take a “Late Play” of that board. This is not a penalty…it is only to ensure that the tempo of the entire game is maintained. The ACBL stresses that the objective should always be to strive for an actual score in preference to no score. Directors shall make every effort NOT to assess a “No Play” as this affects non-offending pairs as well as offending players, but a No Play will be assessed if both pairs do not agree to a Late Play.
· A Director may, at his/her discretion, apply additional penalties in line with ACBL guidelines for those players/pairs that have established a continued pattern of slow play which impacts repeatedly on the flow of the LSBC games.
Enforcing the Slow Play Policy will result in a better functioning Club. Slow players have a negative effect on the over-all tempo of the game, which often results in player frustration at the other effected tables.
Please read these policies carefully as they are in effect immediately. They will also be posted at the club. If you have any questions, please ask a Board member.
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Webmaster- Doug Boswell
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